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Multiple isotope magneto-optical trap from a single diode laser
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Towards Precision Measurements at UASLP
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Dual atomic interferometer with a tunable point of minimum magnetic sensitivity
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Review Article: Potential of epitaxial silicon carbide microbeam resonators for chemical sensing
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Back Cover: Potential of epitaxial silicon carbide microbeam resonators for chemical sensing
A. R. Kermany, J. S. Bennett, V. M. Valenzuela, W. P. Bowen, and F. Iacopi
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Laboratorio de Manejo Sustentable de Ambientes Costeros de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar de la UAS
Dr. Otoniel Carranza Díaz
Laboratorio de Óptica y Materiales de la Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas de la UAS
Dr. Cristo Yee